Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Writing Assignment

 First off I would plan to bury my brother because it is the right thing to do even if no one else sees that. I have tried to convince my sister to join me because it is not right to leave someone unburied and left for the birds to eat. His soul will never be at rest. It is not fair that my jerk of a brother is being buried like he was some hero when he is just as guilty. My brother deserve to rest in the afterlife and no rule or proclamation can stop me. My sister does not agree with me she is afraid of the consequences if we are caught. She’s always thinking of the “What ifs”, she might have a point, my brother might not want me to sacrifice my life to bury him but I must do it. I must not let anyone else know about my plans and hope my sister does not tell my uncle. I will have to move his body so anyone who is against his burial cannot find him. I will have to bring a shovel so I can dig his grave and when I am done I will bring flowers to plant on top to mark where he is buried. I will come back each year to where those same flowers bloom. But I have to be careful that my uncles’ men don’t catch me. I have to make sure that no one can connect me to doing this. I will have to create an alibi to put me somewhere else and not burying my brother. Maybe my sister will vouch for me that we were together. After it’s all done I’ll need to make sure to clean my shoes just in case I bring back dirt and I’ll need to change my clothes as well. If my uncle finds out someone has buried my brother I must act surprised to find out someone has went against him so he does not suspect me and believes I am loyal to him. It would be a true pleasure if he never finds out who did it. And then maybe my brother can rest without ever being disturbed.

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