Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

1.Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.
Four questions that myths address are "Who am I?", "How much control do I have over my own life?", "What is the nature of the universe in which I live?", and "How can I reconcile myself to the inevitability?"
2.Name 4 themes in world mythology.
Four themes in world mythology are "The first parents are often the gods of the sky and earth.", "In the world as in nature, birth, maturity, and death are often followed by rebirth.", "The creator-god usually fashions the first human beings from parts of the earth-perhaps clay, trees, rocks, or plants", and "The gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a great flood".
3.What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
For most majors cultures the beginning of the universe was a chaotic, formless mass that god or pair of gods separated.
4.What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
The heroic myths and epics of a society teach its members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of that culture.
5.Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
Heroes are models of human behavior for their society. They earn lasting fame by performing great deeds that help their community and they inspire others to emulate them. In spite of their extraordinary abilities, no hero is perfect.
6.What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
The foundation of the Matriarchal Society was agricultural.
7.What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
 Sigmund Freud views myths as the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives
8.Myths demonstrate that people possess...
Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research essay

Personality Research
            I do not agree with what the research describes the personality of the youngest child. Almost all of the traits the research listed about the youngest child I didn't agree with because it was incorrect about me. The research done on personality traits differs from person to person. Most of the results might not have been accurate when looked at through your perspective.
            The largest section of traits in the research was on the personality traits. One of the traits is being a manipulative person which I am most certainly not. I am not manipulative and I don’t use people for my own personal needs and purposes. Another trait that was wrong about me was being an out-going person. I am not much of a sociable person, but I am a very amiable person and I care about other people. Although the research might have been wrong about some of these traits they were correct about a few traits I hold within myself.
            As being the youngest we aren't always so compatible to be around with because we could be annoying or impatient at times. I know as the youngest I can be annoying at times. I am annoying to my sisters which is not so surprising because I always want to go with them to our aunt’s house or to the movies. They would roll their eyes and sigh because they don’t want their little sister to tag along with their friends or somewhere they’re not invited. I personally know that I am impatient and my sister thinks so too. I tend to have short patience and get bored easily when I do something I don’t want to. For instance, when my family goes to a celebration I do not want to go because within the first ten minutes of being there I want to leave and go home. I don’t tell my parents because they would get angry or annoyed. The research listed some good and not so good traits, it also listed some possible career paths.
            Typical career paths for the youngest child is being in a profession that requires you to be on stage or in show business which is not what I would want to do. Being on stage means I would have to perform or act. If I ever perform on stage it would be in a parallel universe. The reason I never see myself performing on a stage is probably because I have stage fright and I really don’t like the idea of people staring at me. A career in show business is involved in the entertainment industry like television or the radio. I once took a career test that gave me a list of careers that I would possible be in, the entertainment industry was one of the results. I thought that was a completely wrong career choice for me. Show business is the same as performing I really don’t like either one of them. These careers are ones that I would not think of working in. I have always been leaning towards a career path in the scientific field. The research is probably right about these careers but they are meant for somebody else.

            Parts of the research was accurate concerning my personal opinions but I still think it was mainly wrong about me. My thoughts on this research is that it categorizes us into groups. It makes us seem like a person that we’re not. This has changed my views on the way people are inside and how they are different. I learned that some people are over achievers and can get a handle on things better than others who are the complete opposite.

Friday, August 22, 2014

How School Kills Creativity

I feel that school hasn't allowed us to be our true self's. I feel like I am a cog in the industrial model of education because I feel that I have to achieve something but I don't know exactly what that is. Schools create an education for us to succeed. Like when we have to take a mandatory class. I feel that education needs to be personalized if we are to discover what we can really do. It should also be in an environment where we want learn and where we can get creative. An English class that allowed me and gave me freedom to discover my passions would be a class with creative activities and projects. It could include interactions with classmates in group projects.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traites

What the research says
Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy
People person
I do not agree with this because I am not so sociable and I prefer to be on my own sometimes. I am not much of an outgoing person nor very commutative.
Care free
I don’t think I am a carefree person. I always worry if I am right or wrong or if I have to fix something. I always have to compare my work with others instead of just letting things be.
I think I find myself pretty complicated. I can never seem to make up my mind, I switch from one thing to another. I always have to question things which bugs my family.
I do think I am impatient and so does my sister I cannot wait up on people I’d get annoyed. My sister says I have short patients which I agree with her
Career in show business/to perform
I do not agree with this one I don't like show business or performing. I hate going up in class and have everybody staring at me. This is not the type of career I would want to be in. I would rather have a career in the science or medical field.
Somewhat absentminded
I do think sometimes I am absentminded. I could be doing something and have no idea what is going on around me. I would have to write down instructions because I can be forgetful sometimes. I could be listening to someone and realize I didn't hear half of what they said. I don't mean for that to happen it just happens unintentionally.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Latin Roots Vocabulary #1

Roots and Derivatives
1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2. ali, alter: another, other
3. am: at, to love
4. anim: life, spirit, soul

Word List
1. Agenda: a list or plan of things to be done in the future; listed items to be taken up at a meeting

I write all of my homework assignments in my agenda.

2. Agile: quick and easy of movement or thought; resourceful

Having agile reflexes can be a very helpful tool in troubling situations.

3. Alienate: to make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent

Schoolmates can be alienate to somebody who is different than them.

4. Altercation: a heated or angry argument; a noisy quarrel

My dad had an altercation with my sister because of her carelessness with her car.

5. Amiable: generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around

An amiable person would be a great friend to have.

6. Amorous: suggestive of love, lovemaking or sexual desire

Feeling amorous can be helpful in life.

7. Animated: filled with life and spirit; active

An animated person can cheer people up.

8. Equanimity: calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-temperedness 

My sister becomes an equanimity person when she does yoga.

9. Inalienable: that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else

Your heritage background is inalienable.

10. Inanimate: possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive

My baby cousin has an inanimate stuffed bear.

11. Magnanimous: showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded; free from pettiness

magnanimous person is always positive.

12. Reactionary: characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics; a person with such ideas

Being a reactionary person can get you no where in life.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections On Week 1

1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer? Mobile/smart phone? Transportation? Friends/family? Schedule? 
There are no factors that are going to affect my participation or experience in this class so far.

2. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening? 
An awesome learning experience that changed me is when I went to a leadership program over the summer. I went to the CSU Channel Island University. There was about 80 other teenagers their as well. The teachers there had us work in teams with group projects and activities. I learned that I am a visual and auditory learner and a somewhat hands-on learner.

3. What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning? How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?
I am most concerned about the essays that we are going to have to do throughout the year. I look forward to learning how to improve on my writing skills and how to understand what I am reading. This can make a difference in my life because these type of skills are need for college and probably my future.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My six words

In order to create my six word memoir I looked at other peoples' six word memoirs on YouTube to have a more clear understanding of what to do and what it could be about. I tried to create a picture in my mind about what it would be about and how it would define my life/me. These six words are about how I will always have someone my my side. That person will be there for me when I need them.