Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research essay

Personality Research
            I do not agree with what the research describes the personality of the youngest child. Almost all of the traits the research listed about the youngest child I didn't agree with because it was incorrect about me. The research done on personality traits differs from person to person. Most of the results might not have been accurate when looked at through your perspective.
            The largest section of traits in the research was on the personality traits. One of the traits is being a manipulative person which I am most certainly not. I am not manipulative and I don’t use people for my own personal needs and purposes. Another trait that was wrong about me was being an out-going person. I am not much of a sociable person, but I am a very amiable person and I care about other people. Although the research might have been wrong about some of these traits they were correct about a few traits I hold within myself.
            As being the youngest we aren't always so compatible to be around with because we could be annoying or impatient at times. I know as the youngest I can be annoying at times. I am annoying to my sisters which is not so surprising because I always want to go with them to our aunt’s house or to the movies. They would roll their eyes and sigh because they don’t want their little sister to tag along with their friends or somewhere they’re not invited. I personally know that I am impatient and my sister thinks so too. I tend to have short patience and get bored easily when I do something I don’t want to. For instance, when my family goes to a celebration I do not want to go because within the first ten minutes of being there I want to leave and go home. I don’t tell my parents because they would get angry or annoyed. The research listed some good and not so good traits, it also listed some possible career paths.
            Typical career paths for the youngest child is being in a profession that requires you to be on stage or in show business which is not what I would want to do. Being on stage means I would have to perform or act. If I ever perform on stage it would be in a parallel universe. The reason I never see myself performing on a stage is probably because I have stage fright and I really don’t like the idea of people staring at me. A career in show business is involved in the entertainment industry like television or the radio. I once took a career test that gave me a list of careers that I would possible be in, the entertainment industry was one of the results. I thought that was a completely wrong career choice for me. Show business is the same as performing I really don’t like either one of them. These careers are ones that I would not think of working in. I have always been leaning towards a career path in the scientific field. The research is probably right about these careers but they are meant for somebody else.

            Parts of the research was accurate concerning my personal opinions but I still think it was mainly wrong about me. My thoughts on this research is that it categorizes us into groups. It makes us seem like a person that we’re not. This has changed my views on the way people are inside and how they are different. I learned that some people are over achievers and can get a handle on things better than others who are the complete opposite.

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