Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traites

What the research says
Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy
People person
I do not agree with this because I am not so sociable and I prefer to be on my own sometimes. I am not much of an outgoing person nor very commutative.
Care free
I don’t think I am a carefree person. I always worry if I am right or wrong or if I have to fix something. I always have to compare my work with others instead of just letting things be.
I think I find myself pretty complicated. I can never seem to make up my mind, I switch from one thing to another. I always have to question things which bugs my family.
I do think I am impatient and so does my sister I cannot wait up on people I’d get annoyed. My sister says I have short patients which I agree with her
Career in show business/to perform
I do not agree with this one I don't like show business or performing. I hate going up in class and have everybody staring at me. This is not the type of career I would want to be in. I would rather have a career in the science or medical field.
Somewhat absentminded
I do think sometimes I am absentminded. I could be doing something and have no idea what is going on around me. I would have to write down instructions because I can be forgetful sometimes. I could be listening to someone and realize I didn't hear half of what they said. I don't mean for that to happen it just happens unintentionally.

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